Sex and the City

S5E7: The Big Journey

Carrie tells the girls that she's headed to San Francisco for her book tour and that she is desperate to get laid. And well, yes, she just might call upon Big while she's there. She recruits Samantha to join her on the journey West - by train. Feeling jaded by NY and NY men, Samantha is up for the adventure. Carrie wonders: "Are we the new bachelors?" Charlotte gets a surprise visit from her bald, sweaty lawyer, Harry, with divorce papers in hand. Harry invites the new divorcee to view a swanky bachelor's apartment that is about to go on the market. At the apartment (complete with bedroom strobe lights and surround sound), Harry blurts out that he finds her incredibly sexy. The old Charlotte is taken aback but the new Charlotte jumps him. She confides in her gay pal Anthony that she had incredible sex but that she has no interest in being Harry's girlfriend. Anthony congratulates her and gives her the lowdown on the rules of 'hot sex' and nothing more. Back on the railways, Carrie and Samantha are nowhere near hot sex. Even crashing a bachelor party in the bar car turns up nothing but happily married men. Samantha nurses her wounds with a bottle of champagne while Carrie obsesses over the inopportune arrival of a giant pimple. Arriving at her book reading, Carrie finds herself in front of an audience more excited about the next star reader, Mr. Winkle the dog. During the Q and A session, Big emerges from the crowd and asks her if the "Big" she writes about has a name. Carrie coyly tries to lure Big to bed but he's more interested in understanding what she wrote about him. He tells her he doesn't want her to get hurt again. Despite Carrie's insistence that she's fine, Big goes to bed with her book, not her, on top of him. Meanwhile, Charlotte is back in bed with her lawyer and practices the art of 'just sex' - sending him on his way with no romantic talk when they're done. Carrie has given up on any sex, but by morning, Big is back to himself, joking that she'll need more material for the sequel.

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