Sex and the City

S6E18: Splat!

Carrie finally manages to bring her new and old friends together as Petrovsky hosts a dinner party for Ms. Bradshaw's inner circle. The evening is pleasant enough, but it's clear that there's some tension in the air. An off-handed comment from Samantha (regarding her vibrator) illicts a particularly uncomfortable reaction from The Russian. Petrovsky then totally throws the party into a spin when he announces that Carrie will be moving to Paris to live with him. Although his announcement is a bit premature (he had only made the offer to Carrie shortly before the party began), it's clear that Carrie is indeed considering the intercontinental journey. It's also clear that Miranda isn't totally thrilled with this possibility. A decision about Paris will have to wait as Carrie and Petrovsky attend a party thrown by Enid Frick, Carrie's editor from Vogue. Enid asks Carrie to set her up with one of Petrovsky's friends, but when she produces food critic Martin Grable at the party, Enid's reaction is tepid. Instead, Enid tries to put the moves on Petrovsky, a tack that is quickly headed off by Carrie. Also at the party is former "it girl" Lexi Featherston, an old running partner of Carrie. Unfortunately, Lexi is a 25-year-old party girl in a 40-year-old body, and she quickly wears out her welcome at the event. Coked up and craving a cigarette, Lexi denounces all of the people at the party, utters the immortal words "I'm so bored I could die," then trips over her Manolos and falls out of a window to her death. Lexi's death causes Carrie to pause and consider her own life. All of her friends have been moving on with their lives - Miranda has married and gone to Brooklyn, Charlotte has married and is now taking care of a litter of puppies, and Samantha is finally in a stable relationship. Carrie wonders if it's time to try some change in her life as well. She accepts Petrovsky's offer. At Lexi's funeral, Carrie drops this bombshell on her three best friends. Samantha and Charlotte are supportive, but Miranda is hesitant. The old friends take a walk, and Miranda admits that she doesn't like Petrovsky at all. Carrie is hurt by this, and walks away from Miranda, getting ready for her new start at life.

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