Sex and the City

S6E12: One

Carrie and Charlotte make a visit to a gallery where a performance artist has placed herself on display without any food or water. While viewing the exhibit, famed Russian artist Aleksandr Petrovsky takes notice of Carrie, but disappears into the crowd before she can point him out to Charlotte. When the two women are leaving the building, Charlotte notices Aleksandr and starts up a conversation. The artist clearly pays more attention to Carrie, however, and later in the week calls her up to ask her on a date, which Carrie accepts. Charlotte and Harry finally realize their dream by conceiving, but unfortunately, Charlotte miscarries less than a month into the pregnancy. This absolutely devastates her, and she finds herself unable to leave her living room due to her grief. Even a visit from Carrie doesn't manage to cheer her up. Then, while sitting zombie-like in front of the television, Charlotte happens upon a documentary about Elizabeth Taylor. Liz's struggles inspire Charlotte, allowing her to get up, out of the apartment, and on with her life. Robert surprises Miranda by giving her a giant cookie with the words "I Love You" written out in chocolate chips on it. Miranda realizes that she's not able to respond in kind to him (the words, not the cookie), and she worries that she's never going to be able to express her feelings to anybody. Later in the week, everybody gathers in Miranda's apartment to celebrate Brady's first birthday. Miranda is still a bit put off by her inability to say those three words... but she shocks herself by blurting them out in a private moment with Steve. He reciprocates, and the couple begin their relationship anew. Baby Brady isn't the only one that is aging. Samantha notices a grey hair "down there" after a shower, deciding to dye it to make it disappear. Unfortunately, the experiment goes awry, and Ms. Jones accidentally dyes the whole region a bright orange. Stuck with "Bozo Bush", Sam chooses to shave it all off, telling Smith that she did it to make it easier for him to find things during intimate moments. Following Brady's party, Carrie meets up with Aleksandr at Russian Samavor for a late dinner. The conversation is easy, despite the periodic language barriers. After the meal, the pair travel to the gallery to see if the performance artist is indeed maintaining her lonely vigil. After verifying that she is, Carrie and Aleksandr call it a night... but not before Carrie surrenders to his charm, with the couple sharing a passionate kiss on the New York street.

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