Sex and the City

S4E8: My Motherboard, My Self

The girls meet for lunch to catch up and Carrie reveals that she and Aidan have exchanged keys to each other's apartments. When Carrie goes home she's touched to find Aidan cooking in her never before used kitchen. She also discovers that her computer has crashed and she can't access any of her files. Aidan chastises her for not backing up her material. They bring her computer in to a repair shop and the techie tells her it doesn't look good. Miranda has to go to Philadelphia because her Mom has had a heart attack. The next day her Mom dies. Miranda calls Carrie to let her know and trying to be strong fights back tears. Charlotte, who has become a regular Martha Stewart, takes charge of getting the best funeral fruit basket and flower arrangement. Samantha has trouble dealing with the news of the death and can't bring herself to call Miranda. Instead, she gets together with her latest man, Nick, a NYU wrestling coach who had been teaching her new positions. However, this time, no matter what moves they try, Samantha can't orgasm. The next day, determined to get off, she pulls out her trusty vibrators but no luck. Miranda goes shopping for a funeral dress and after screaming at the lingerie saleswoman, she breaks down and cries in the woman's arms. Aidan surprises Carrie with a new laptop computer and zip drive but Carrie isn't happy about it. She's used to taking care of herself and can't handle the implications of his gesture. They argue and Aidan gives her back her keys. Back at the computer repair shop, Carrie learns that she needs her "motherboard" replaced. She calls Aidan and admits that she's scared to let him in, in case they fall apart. The girls go to the funeral in Philadelphia and offer Miranda their full support. In the middle of the funeral, Samantha starts crying and finds the release she really needed. She finally says, "I'm sorry" to Miranda. Back home, Carrie lets go of her fears and starts using the zip drive that Aidan gave her.

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