Mad Men
The series revolves around the conflicted world of Don Draper, the biggest ad man in the business, and his colleagues at the Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce Advertising Agency. As Don makes the plays in the boardroom and the bedroom, he struggles to stay a step ahead of the rapidly changing times and the young executives nipping at his heels. The series also depicts authentically the roles of men and women in this era while exploring the true human nature beneath the guise of 1960s traditional family values.
- S1E1: Smoke Gets in Your Eyes
- S1E2: Ladies Room
- S1E3: Marriage of Figaro
- S1E4: New Amsterdam
- S1E5: Five G
- S1E6: Babylon
- S1E7: Red in the Face
- S1E8: The Hobo Code
- S1E9: Shoot
- S1E10: Long Weekend
- S1E11: Indian Summer
- S1E12: Nixon vs. Kennedy
- S1E13: The Wheel
- S2E1: For Those Who Think Young
- S2E2: Flight 1
- S2E3: The Benefactor
- S2E4: Three Sundays
- S2E5: The New Girl
- S2E6: Maidenform
- S2E7: The Gold Violin
- S2E8: A Night to Remember
- S2E9: Six Month Leave
- S2E10: The Inheritance
- S2E11: The Jet Set
- S2E12: The Mountain King
- S2E13: Meditations in an Emergency
- S3E1: Out of Town
- S3E2: Love Among the Ruins
- S3E3: My Old Kentucky Home
- S3E4: The Arrangements
- S3E5: The Fog
- S3E6: Guy Walks Into an Advertising Agency
- S3E7: Seven Twenty Three
- S3E8: Souvenir
- S3E9: Wee Small Hours
- S3E10: The Color Blue
- S3E11: The Gypsy and the Hobo
- S3E12: The Grown-Ups
- S3E13: Shut the Door. Have a Seat.
- S4E1: Public Relations
- S4E2: Christmas Comes But Once a Year
- S4E3: The Good News
- S4E4: The Rejected
- S4E5: The Chrysanthemum and the Sword
- S4E6: Waldorf Stories
- S4E7: The Suitcase
- S4E8: The Summer Man
- S4E9: The Beautiful Girls
- S4E10: Hands and Knees
- S4E11: Chinese Wall
- S4E12: Blowing Smoke
- S4E13: Tomorrowland
- S5E1: A Little Kiss (1)
- S5E2: A Little Kiss (2)
- S5E3: Tea Leaves
- S5E4: Mystery Date
- S5E5: Signal 30
- S5E6: Far Away Places
- S5E7: At the Codfish Ball
- S5E8: Lady Lazarus
- S5E9: Dark Shadows
- S5E10: Christmas Waltz
- S5E11: The Other Woman
- S5E12: Commissions and Fees
- S5E13: The Phantom
- S6E1: The Doorway (1)
- S6E2: The Doorway (2)
- S6E3: The Collaborators
- S6E4: To Have and to Hold
- S6E5: The Flood
- S6E6: For Immediate Release
- S6E7: Man with a Plan
- S6E8: The Crash
- S6E9: The Better Half
- S6E10: A Tale of Two Cities
- S6E11: Favors
- S6E12: The Quality of Mercy
- S6E13: In Care Of
- S7E1: Time Zones
- S7E2: A Day's Work
- S7E3: Field Trip
- S7E4: The Monolith
- S7E5: The Runaways
- S7E6: The Strategy
- S7E7: Waterloo
- S7E8: Severance
- S7E9: New Business
- S7E10: The Forecast
- S7E11: Time & Life
- S7E12: Lost Horizon
- S7E13: The Milk and Honey Route
- S7E14: Person to Person
Roger Sterling
Don Draper
Peggy Olson
Sally Draper
Pete Campbell
Bertram Cooper
Joan Holloway
Harry Crane
Betty Draper
Ken Cosgrove
Megan Calvet
Lane Pryce
Paul Kinsey
Salvatore Romano
Rachel Menken