
The hit comedy series that takes a look at the day-to-day life of Vincent (Vince) Chase, a hot young actor in Hollywood, and his inner circle. He's brought with him from their hometown in Queens, NY: manager Eric, half-brother Drama, and friend Turtle. The series draws on the experiences of industry insiders to illustrate both the heady excesses of today's celebrity lifestyle, as well as the highs and lows of love and success in show biz. Eric, along with super-agent Ari, keep Vince's star rising while making sound decisions for a long-lasting career in a world of fleeting fame.



Vincent Chase Ari Gold Turtle Eric Murphy Johnny "Drama" Chase Shauna Llyod Mrs. Ari Gold Billy Walsh Adam Davies Sloan Terrance McQuewick Dana Gordon Andrew Klein Barbara Miller Scott Lavin Sarah Gold Jake Steinberg Christy Studio Executive Jonah Gold Jamie-Lynn Sigler Phil Yagoda Amanda Daniels Jennie Lizzie Grant 'E's Hot Secretary