Death Note
Death Note is an anime series based around a manga of the same name whereby a human finds a death god's notebook. Any person's name written in this notebook will die. The main character who finds this noteboook is Light Yagami who faces off against an unfaced character named L who tries to challenge him.
- S1E1: Rebirth
- S1E2: Confrontation
- S1E3: Dealings
- S1E4: Pursuit
- S1E5: Tactics
- S1E6: Unraveling
- S1E7: Overcast
- S1E8: Glare
- S1E9: Encounter
- S1E10: Doubt
- S1E11: Assault
- S1E12: Love
- S1E13: Confession
- S1E14: Friend
- S1E15: Wager
- S1E16: Decision
- S1E17: Execution
- S1E18: Ally
- S1E19: Matsuda
- S1E20: Makeshift
- S1E21: Performance
- S1E22: Guidance
- S1E23: Frenzy
- S1E24: Revival
- S1E25: Silence
- S1E26: Renewal
- S1E27: Abduction
- S1E28: Impatience
- S1E29: Father
- S1E30: Justice
- S1E31: Transfer
- S1E32: Selection
- S1E33: Scorn
- S1E34: Vigilance
- S1E35: Malice
- S1E36: 1.28
- S1E37: New World
Light Yagami
Soichiro Yagami